Fuzzy Lumps

I love the way lace knitting – even things with only lace edgings – looks like fuzzy lumps before the blocking. I love blocking. I love how it takes something that looks kind of pretty if you stretch it just so and turns it into something that is beautiful...

Looking ahead

Can it really be that 2011 is only five days away? How did that happen? Time goes so fast when you are not paying attention. Actually I don’t think time cares what you’re doing – it just goes. The older I get the faster it runs. The boys are...

Merry Christmas!

Today’s pattern is not $2.50. Today’s pattern is free. So grab yourself a copy of the Kyveli pattern as my Christmas gift to you! And I’ll share with you my most favorite Christmas song of all. “But if you believe in love, that will be more...

One More Day

I’ve been baking for a few days. Today I tried my hand at cinnamon scones. I don’t think these are traditional scones. They are very rich but light at the same time with a bit of a crispy outside. But I’ve been missing the cinnamon chip scones they...

Armstrong Hat

My son is obsessed with his guitars. Yesterday he spent a good part of the afternoon building a cardboard replica of his Ibanez and now he wants to string it up and see if he can play it. He teaches himself songs, and he practices all the time. So of course when he...

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