Sunny Saturday

On this very sunny Saturday I’ve run 2.25 miles. I’ve sat by an open window feeling the breeze as I knit. I’ve supervised catch-up work for my son who missed a week of school. Later I’m taking my son to a sleepover birthday party. My other son...

Forgetful Friday Freebie

I had intended to put up a Friday Freebie this morning, but everyone in my house is home today. The man, the 2 boys, the dog – everyone. I’ve had a sick boy home all week so I’ve basically gotten nothing done all week long.  We went to the movies to...

Swatch Watch

Did you have one? I did. I saved for sooooo long to buy myself a Swatch watch when I was a young teenager. And basically it was a cheap plastic watch that made my wrist sweat. A lot. But I always think of that stupid thing when I think about swatching new designs....


It’s been a very long time since I’ve participated in a swap. But I signed up for two swaps already this year. The first was a little motivation swap in the Weight Watchers group on Ravelry. Four weeks – four cards or little somethings to keep us...

Sweetheart Sale

I know, I know, I’ve been missing in action. Today I’m spending Valentine’s Day with my one of my three favorite people in the entire world – my youngest son. But sadly, it’s because he’s sick. So for today we will have a little 50%...

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