
You want issues? I got ’em. But let’s stick to the knitting issues for right now. I’m still working on Clapotis and I’m about half done. Yay. But I’m about a third done with man socks now, which are coming out awesome btw. And then last...

If she only had an attention span….

I have a notoriously short attention span. It’s like I’m doing something A, and then ding-dong, that little inner doorbell rings and I realize that I would much rather do something B. Or I’m walking through my livingroom on my way to the office to do...

I’m a trendy girl!

I find myself drawn to the same patterns that *everyone* else is doing. All the cool knitters are doing it. You know you wanna to! *Sigh* And here I was priding myself on the fact that at the ripe old age of 32, I was finally starting to carve out a self identity....

Completed Striped Booga

This was made in Peace Fleece – Perestroika Pink and Firebird Orange. Less than one skein of each. And at my LYS Peace Fleece is only $6.50 a hank, so this is a nice inexpensive bag. I used the free Booga Bag pattern from Black Sheep bags and the random stripe...

One down, a million to go…

My pink & orange striped booga bag is blocking. So yay. But apparently this led my husband to believe that I spend all my time knitting and none of my time properly organizing his socks. No. Don’t laugh. I’m serious. Apparently he arranges his socks...

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