A tale of two sleeves

I was gonna call this double the p-l-e-a-s-u-r-e but I don’t want any more stranger dangers showing up round these parts. Two lovely Rogue sleeves. They seem a bit wonky at the bottom, but I am assuming that’s what blocking is for. I’m working them...

Because he’s cuter than me.

He kind of looks like a druid or something. A toothless druid that is. Were druids toothless? That boy will take any opportunity to show off his latest tooth loss. (The top one if you were wondering). I finally finished the Rogue hood. Just two sleeves and a zipper...

Not the year of the jaywalker…

I ripped it out. Again. I still don’t understand this. Sometimes the 76 stitch version in sock garden on size 1 addi turbos is too big. This time the same version was too tight. Plus the ribbing was ruffly from the pulling in effect of the pattern. I give up on...


So… I’ve been happily tooling along on my most recent Jaywalker attempt. 76 stitches, size 1 addis, stargazer lily sock garden. The leg is tight over the heel, but I can work it. And it’s not a sock fit for King Kong. So I should be happy right?...


First off, Merry Christmas. We did the crazy present thing. I only got one knitting present – the 2006 pattern-a-day calendar. Lots of other neat stuff though. Proof that my husband does NOT love me. That would be the first nearly finished glove of a pair from...

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