I should have loved it.

I love many things with the word Mystery in them. Mystery! the PBS tradition. I mean who doesn’t love Miss Marples? She knits for goodness sakes. Mystery, Inc. is the company name of my favorite meddling kids. Mystery books are among my favorites. I even love a...

97, 98, 99….

Ok, well not that many. But it’s time to count the wips. Wips I’ve touched recently… 1. Perdita in size #8 silver perle cotton, size 0000 needles, and pearl colored #11 seed beads. 2. Ball-band dishrag in sugar & creme.3. Mystery Stole #2 in...

Well that just sucks.

Um, well, my other knitblog? Gone-dee. Goodbye. You can’t have it anymore. Had a little issue and it wasn’t resolved to my satisfaction. So now I can’t even get my entries. Oh well, such is my life. Anyhow, if anyone is still reading, I’ll be...

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