No, you’re not imagining things…

It’s an update! With pictures! And lots of exclamation points!!!! When life hands you lemons… I buy yarn! I’ve been fondling this for a couple of weeks at my LYS. And I thought it would be perfect for ChicKnit’s Cece. So Saturday I swatched....

Don’t knit with scissors.

No really. Don’t get the scissors out until you are done knitting. Until you need to trim the ends you’ve so carefully weaved in. Because you might think that you can use the scissors to cut your unfroggable mohair lace project back to a point where you...

The mystery that is SpongeBob…

So presumably SpongeBob lives underwater, right? So how come he fills a bathtub with water to bathe Gary? Wouldn’t all the water just meld together? It’s like they show them as underwater when it suits them, but as if they are in air on other occasions...

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