The perils of dieting…

So I went to the grocery on Sunday. Basically we were out of everything. So I stocked up. 3 bottles of the organic ketchup (no hfcs!) instead of one; double of all the basic ingredients like dried beans, etc. 100% whole wheat tortillas, pitas, breads, all the good,...

Happy Feet

And happy inspiration. I have this oh so lovely sweet tart sock yarn (Trekking XXL 134) and it needed the perfect pattern… The toe is the “easy toe” from Sensational Knitted Socks. The heel will probably be from there as well. The pattern is modified...

The post with no title.

I finally got some semi-decent shots of my parents’ extremely late Christmas presents. So here you go… And a picture with some detail… The Irish Hiking Scarf, in Lamb’s Pride Worsted, 2 skeins on size 8 addi turbos. This made a scarf just a bit...

My hair is strong.

I know this because I just spent some very unpleasant time getting it out of my vaccuum cleaner. Untangling and other grossness. I hate this particular task. But until we can afford a new vac, I have to do this. Otherwise my vac has no suck-power. I have to start...

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