My hair is strong.

by | Jan 15, 2007 | Uncategorized

I know this because I just spent some very unpleasant time getting it out of my vaccuum cleaner. Untangling and other grossness. I hate this particular task. But until we can afford a new vac, I have to do this. Otherwise my vac has no suck-power.

I have to start blogging again. I joined the newest Knitty SP and with no blog, my spoiler will have nowhere to stalk. So I blog.

In the good news department, I finally finished my parents’ Christmas presents. Now I just need to block them and mail them. Yes, I am a horrible daughter.

In the other good news department I got a very part time job at my most beloved lys. The 1st and 3rd friday of each month. I start this Friday. I’m pretty psyched.

And for the 3rd good news item, I found the perfect sweater for my Jaeger Shetland Aran yarn. Perfect! I swatched last night and it is beyond gorgeous. Just perfect. The Vogue Cabled Cardigan #19 from the Fall 2006 VK. What is it with me and #19?

Pictures coming soon. I swear!

1 Comment

  1. thursday

    My hair is strong, too. Ick. I think it killed my previous vac because I’d no idea that my hair might get all wound up like that. Gives me the heebie-jeebies (or however you spell that). đŸ˜‰


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