February Lemonaide

Life has been handing me lemons. Broken arms, 105 (!!!!!) degree temperatures, flus, coughs, colds…. Lemme just tell you, the OTC cold and pain medicine folks are making a fortune off of me. Fastman is getting a motrin/tylenol rotation every three fricking hours...

Fellers and idiots…

A very cute and very British man arrived at my door today. But instead of getting all worked up about the UPS guy, let’s see what he brought!!!! Time for reinforcements. My professional present openers. And yes, they will open your presents for you as well. Of...

What makes the world go round?

Well, I got an awesome little package from my SP with nummy treats for me and Rufus. I took pictures, but they all turned out *really* bad. And that’s saying something, because most of my pics are sub-par! This is Rufus, complete with happy tail-wagging action...

The UFO’s are invading…

I swear, I had really good intentions for there to be pictures today. But life intervened! And life is more important than good lighting or getting my nails done. And my nails are a big fat mess. So I joined UFO Resurrection. And we all know I have a lot of them. And...

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