Lack of natural light..

It’s too late to take a picture of my beautiful fancy silk socks. I modified the pattern to 72 stitches and I lined things up better. They are coming out awesome. In other news, I was denied admission to a knitalong. I went back to the yahoo page to see if I had...

Is feral the right word?

My husband has been gone less than six hours. The kitchen is um, littered with empty grocery bags. It’s a quarter to seven and I have no idea what’s for dinner. I have 70 plastic envelopes that need 20-30 worksheets counted out into them for tomorrow at...

MIA: Knitting Mojo, Mine

So today I took the boys to the park for a playdate with a bunch of other kids. We had a fantastic time. I packed my toe-up sock. You know, the one I’m working on for the class I’m teaching? Oh wait. Did I tell you about that? I finished one session of a...

A little harsh…

This is boring life stuff, no knitting stuff. Forewarned is forearmed. “I kinda hope she doesn’t call back.” I typed that. Yesterday. And here is why. In January of 2003 my divorce was final. A couple of months later a group of work-friends in Ohio...

And the beat goes on…

I think I might be getting sick. But for the love of all that is holy, I hope not. I have a cold sore and I’m losing my voice. I’ve missed nearly three weeks of classes. I’m still not sure how that will all pan out. Calculus I’m auditing, so...

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