Do you know me?

This is my most frequently used avatar around the knit-o-sphere. Which is just a cropped version of this: If you’re anywhere around my age, you might recognize her. She’s the Sufferin’ Until Suffrage woman from Schoolhouse Rock. And yes, I actually...

Ode to my knitting

We spent some time with the boy scouts this weekend, doing the Cuboree thing. There was archery, and tower climbing, and hayrides, and… chants. Lots and lots and lots of chants. There is an ongoing spirit contest during the weekend and some of these adults have...

It was a good day to dye…

See? That’s the awesome thing about dyeing and blogging. The word dye is just begging to be used in quotes and pithy sayings. In fact my head is full of them. For my very first experiment with acid dyes, I think it went pretty well. I added too much dye to the...

WIP Wednesday: Still the lady sweater…

Is it Wednesday already? Oh my. The FLS is still in progress, but not seeming to move quickly now that I’m back onto the body. I love it more every time I touch it though. The colors, the yarn, the squooshy, the lace… *sigh* I really just can’t over...

This is Halloween, everybody make a scene!

We like the holidays around here. We’re especially fond of Halloween and Christmas.  Throw in the fact that we have a Halloween party, and you can see how we might get carried away. It’s been a busy, crazy month and we are sorely behind on our...

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