Can’t trust that day

12:01 AM – Really loud train. I mean loud like the foundation is rattling. Normally I don’t hear the trains – I’ve gotten used to them, but this one woke me. And woke the man. The man rolls over and begins to snore. 12:02 AM – 5:47 AM...

I like pi(e)

So I want to be a math teacher or professor when I grow up, right? So of course I like pi. And I *love* to cook, so I also like pie. So how is that I forgot today was pi(e) day? I don’t know. But when I realized I ran to the store and made a cheater’s...


The shop has stuff in it. I mean more stuff, other than patterns and bags. It has real live yarn. Yarn that is on sale. The normal price for my silk/merino blend (430 yards) will be $24. But for my “grand opening” all skeins are on sale for $21. If you are...

The good, the bad, and the polenta…

I started a new sweater. I think it’s gonna be an epic win. It’s the soon to be formerly named Norah sweater by Indigirl (Amy Swenson) and it’s really just made of beautiful. I love the lines. I love the fact that I had the perfect pile of Malabrigo...


I have blogger’s block. It’s been kind of blah around here and I’m tired of it. I’m trying to change things up, make different things happen, but honestly I just wanna throttle someone and be done with it. Sickness, tiredness, and just general...

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