
Well my dear friends would say something else. Something that has to do with donkeys. But I try not to curse (even mildly) on my happy little space on the internet. I would say I’ve been oh so very busy, but so has everyone else. And I seem to be able to find...

Pro-cras-ti-nation is making me wait!

I get a lot done in a day. In a week. A month. Any given span of time. But it seems like certain things on my to-do list always get pushed to the backburner.  A good manicure. A long hot bath. Blogging. Exercising with any regularity. Making dreaded phone calls....

Yeah, I know.

I said I was gonna keep posting, even though the flu made me fail at NaBloPoMo. I lied. Or I got busy. Or something. I don’t know. It was like I broke the streak and the motivation was just gone. Gone daddy gone. I had a fabulous Thanksgiving. It was full of...

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