Naming Conventions

Patterns are so hard to name. Sometimes I come up with names that are inspired and awesome. So awesome in fact that umpteen million other designers have already used them. Somedays I think it would be better just to number them. Actually I do number them. But I...


I’m kind of in love with some of these new Malabrigo colorways that kind of defy description. First it was the Liquid Ambar in the Malabrigo Twist, and now this: It’s Malabrigo Silky Merino in Archangel and it’s for a new shawl/shawlette pattern....


I am now (officially even) a published designer. I’ve been self publishing for awhile. And I love it. And it’s going well for me. But I really want to expand to get into magazines and online publications. And I did!!! Yarn Forward – page 86 baby!...

I changed my mind.

I looked. And now everything in my pattern store is in the Help for Haiti category. Actually I didn’t even mean to look. I just saw some ads. With the pictures. Oh my Lord the pictures. So to recap, if you buy anything in my Ravelry Store between now and the end...

Not Looking.

I’m not looking, but I know it’s happening. I can’t watch the coverage on Haiti. I can’t listen to the stories. I was reduced to a sobbing heap the other day reading a news story about a cop who was killed here locally in a head-on collision. I...

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