Daphne Ann

ANNOUNCEMENT: Something special is coming. It looks like I’m about $710 short of my $2300 goal for the Komen 3-Day for the Cure. And if I don’t make my goal (or pay the difference) I don’t get to walk. So… October is Breast Cancer Month, right?...

Before & After

First off, if you ever need graphic artist work done and you want it done right, go visit Kristin at ComeToSilver – she is amazing. And I will show you exactly why. A few months ago, I needed a logo for my 3-Day team – Ta-Tas Are Sacred. Now my dear friend...

What happens on day six?

I’m behind. I haven’t had nearly as much knitting time as I had hoped for. I’m hoping that tomorrow I can play catch-up while I do laundry. I’ve decided to let it be a surprise – I will show you how fabulous it is when it’s done! So...


Sometimes yarn takes a while to tell me what it wants to be. This is my second pattern worked up in yarn I purchased at Stitches South in April. I bought the coordinating yarns and had a stripey shawlette in mind. Note to self: do not attempt to design a striped...

Michelob days.

Some days are better than others and some days are worse. It’s been one of those days where I am really not sure. I got up at the buttcrack of dawn to walk 8 miles this morning. Surprisingly enough it was easy. The further I walk the easier the...

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