Self Expression

Doing a new shawlette a month has been an insane learning experience. My design process is just plain mad. There is no other word. Today is the 28th of July, and I have an wonderful, fabulous shawlette in the works in the gorgeous Opal yarn from ilLOOMinated Yarns....

Not so organic

The process that is. My design process is NOT organic. It’s just kind of insane. Sometimes I come across something – an element, an idea, a place – and an idea just springs into my head. Sadly, getting the idea to a chart is sometimes quite perilous....

Chicken Dinner

It’s time for a winner! Clea is the winner of the beautiful skein of Absinthe Bluetopia. Clea, I will be e-mailing you to get shipping information. Thanks everyone for playing! I had an awesome birthday yesterday – thanks everyone for the nice birthday...

39 and running

Not holding. Running. Not running on empty either. 2011 has been a pretty great year for me so far, and I’ve decided that the age of 39 is going to be even better. Last night as I lay in bed thinking about my life (creeping up on 40 will do that to you), I...

Songs of summer

This year I swore I was having a birthday week. Every year my husband claims an entire week for his birthday. Of course his birthday is right before Christmas, so he has always gotten ripped off in that regard. But this year I decided I was gonna have a birthday week....

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