Simply stockinette

As a knitting designer, it should come as no surprise that I find beauty in the simplest of stitches. Like stockinette. I really love the way the stitches interlock and just the organic perfection of it all. Yes, I’m feeling schmaltzy. Also under-caffeinated. I...

Photo Friday – Super Hero Edition

I might have mentioned that I’m trying to learn photography. Trying being the operative word. I’ve learned a fair few things. Under certain conditions I can make my camera do what I want it to do. Outside in the shade? No problem. My kitchen counter with...


Sometimes I think I do better at enabling folks to buy yummy yarn than I do at selling patterns. Because this yarn? Yummy is not strong enough of a word. I’ve always been a fan of Gryphon’s work, so when I decided to do this collection I immediately...


Yeats is the first of the Seven Sonnets, a collection of shawls and shawlettes in some very delicious hand-dyed yarns. I’ll have a preview of some of the upcoming yarns later this week. But first we showcase Soy Beautiful, hand-dyed by Our Humble Castle. Soy...

Cast On Bind Off

A good while back I received an e-mail – asking me to review a book. I don’t normally get these sorts of e-mails, but it was a technique book so I was intrigued and said sure – send me a book. So they sent me a copy of Leslie Ann Bestor’s Cast...

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