
The stripes are finished. And they are fabulous! I’m so very happy with how this turned out. It’s the first time I’ve used the asymmetrical shaping, but I will definitely be using it again. This is one of those designs I kept second guessing as I...


I have a love/hate relationship with variegated yarns. Love the colors, the combinations, the life in them. Hate the way they mess up my designs. Hate it! But I’ve been experimenting more and more with variegated yarns. Fortunately Rachel of Dyeabolical supports...

Want to be seen green?

I want to be seen green Wouldn’t be caught dead red ‘Cause if you are seen green It means you got mean bread For some reason that lyric from The Wiz always plays in my head when I hear the word green. You’d think I would have totally blocked it out,...

Sleepy stripes.

Actually the stripes aren’t sleepy, but I sure am sleepy while knitting them. Recovering from my trip has been a bit rougher than expected. I arrived back in Jacksonville, Florida at around 9:20 on Tuesday morning and basically slept until the next morning. And...

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