2023 Knit Design Release Planning

Knit Designers – do you plan out your releases in advance? Or do you just knit willy nilly and when something is ready, out it goes? I know the “willy nilly” bit sounds judgmental, but trust me, it’s not. I literally just cast on for a design this afternoon, that I...

Schematics For Your Knitting Design

Did you know that I do schematics aka technical drawings for knitting patterns? If you are a technical editing client of mine, I might have created schematics for your design. A schematic being a line drawing of the basic shape of your garment or object with...

Yarn Design Planner

One of the most important things you need to do as a knitting designer is to make sure that you have complete and accurate notes for all of your design work. And before you think I’m giving you a hard time; this is definitely a do as I say not as I have done kind of...

Hat Pattern Template

Did you read last week’s blog post about the basics of style sheets? Well this week we are going to use an example pattern to show how that all comes together for my patterns. We are starting simple with a full break down of a hat pattern – specifically my free Snappy...

Knitting Pattern Style Sheets

If you want to be a knitting designer, you have to know how to write a good pattern. And while many things about this um, unique business are kept kind of quiet and all secretive like, you can find pattern templates all over the interwebs for free. But that doesn’t...

The Magic of Coworking

As 2021 was coming to a close, I knew something had to give. I had just spent years in a fog and really had nothing to show for it except for a pile of finished knitted samples for new patterns. Like I know I had done other things during the past few years, but there...

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