Cotton Ease…. You know you want it!

by | Aug 31, 2005 | Uncategorized

Well I sure did. I went crazy. I bought too much of it. And then, after much shopping for cotton ease and other un-necessary things, we hit a budget bump. A big one. An unexpected blow per se. A blow that made me look at the numbers and think oh my goodness how the heck am I gonna afford the birthday party that invitations have already gone out for. So before I beg, borrow, and steal…

Here it is… The remainder of my cotton ease stash in all it’s glory. Don’t you want it?

If you do, e-mail me at rincaro at yahoo dot com. I’m looking for $4 a ball plus shipping, but if you’re buying a bunch, make me an offer. Listed below are the exact amounts and the dyelots. I’m doing paypal only. Thanks for looking and listening to me whine.

3 Pineapple – 20431A

5 Sugarplum – 29431

6 Cherry – 29430B

3 Candy Blue – 29430B

1 Blueberry – 29057

3 Pistachio – 29431A

1 Pistachio – 25659

6 Bubblegum – 25659


  1. mamma

    I’m so sad you have to sell your stash. I know you loved it. Oh that purple looks tempting. But I just blew my wad at knitpicks. good luck.

  2. Jennifer

    I’d be all over it if I hadn’t run into my own budget impasse.

  3. knit_chick

    I didn’t realize that you were still looking for Cotton-Ease. I might have to print out this list & have it in hand when I go to Tuesday Morning!


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