I spy with my little eye…

by | Jun 30, 2009 | Uncategorized

Judging the sock naming contest was hard. Every time I got a new comment, I was like ooh!!! That’s the one! And then another comment rolled in. (Yay for comments!) But when push came to shove I had over 30 options to choose from and I just could not decide. So I called a family meeting. I grabbed the leg that the sock was hanging out on – the mannequin leg that is and I headed into the livingroom. I should note here that I live with all boys. So this may not have been my best plan. But I was desperate. Desperate I tell you!
They looked at it. They made fun of me a bit. And then I read off all the name choices. Over and over again. Finally each of them chose their favorite. I chose the one I was most attached to. And then I did some research on what other socks and patterns were named. Finally I chose. So the new socks will be named…

Minerva’s Tower

minerva's tower

I love the Minerva owl reference and surprisingly enough there weren’t many patterns that even used the name Minerva on Ravelrly. I mean Minerva McGonagall can kick some butt – show the woman some respect. But anyhoo, that’s the winner! The name was suggested by OneSheep who wins….

A final copy of the Minerva’s Tower sock pattern (once the test knitters have at it)

Any other two patterns from my catalog


She can choose any one item from my etsy shop. I will say you might want to wait on the choosing. I have about 20 new yarn/fiber products that will be listed this week.

Each of my boys was very disappointed that their choice wasn’t the winner. So they decided I had to do consolation prizes. So three folks can have their choice of the final Minerva’s Tower pattern *or* any other single pattern from the catalog.

Grapevine – suggested by KnitStix2

Owl Eyed – suggested by FlawfulFibers

Jonathon Livingston (Seagull) – suggested by Julie

Thanks so much for entering folks, this was a lot of fun. And if I use your name for a future pattern, I will be contacting you with some prize-y goodness!


  1. Daniele

    Congratulations to the winners!!! Great names!

  2. Julie

    I LOVE Minerva’s Tower as a name for this, very classy. 🙂 Thanks for such a fab contest!

  3. Jackie

    From this angle, I can see the owl! Great pick!

  4. nancyje

    Congratulations everyone!!!! 🙂 What great names.

  5. Christel

    What a great way to narrow your choices. The boys are such great sports! And the sock is beautiful!!


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