Lovely people.

by | Jan 8, 2010 | Uncategorized


I really have some of the loveliest people in my life. Today I went over to SugarbeeStudios’ house so that she could help me take pictures of the shawl. She happens to have a breathtakingly gorgeous daughter who was happy to model. (I paid her in chicken wings!) I really couldn’t be more pleased with the pictures.

Barring a “snow day” tomorrow, I plan on publishing the pattern tomorrow afternoon. If they cancel school it will be monkey wrangling and that could put a wrench in the works. I don’t think we’ll actually see snow – the temps seem to be rising, but wouldn’t that be something?


  1. Batty

    She really is very pretty. And… you have weather where she can be outside like that and not freeze to death! That’s amazing.

  2. LC

    Chicken wings???


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