Review: Unexpected Cables

by | Nov 16, 2015 | Uncategorized

Unexpected Cables is another one of those books that I knew about for a very, very long time. So I had inside information on this beautiful collection of sweaters and accessories. I got to see things before Interweave did even!

The book has 8 accessories and 10 garments. And I will just tell you right now, if you live in the Northeast United States and have a chance to see these pieces in person at a book signing or trunk show, you really should. Because in order to see the true beauty of the collection you need to see these sweaters without the distracting clothing choices in the book.


Rheems is hands down my favorite thing in the book. But not with a flannel hunting shirt underneath it lol! Heather wore this sweater to Rhinebeck for book signings and it looked so beautiful with the open cowl neck. It doesn’t need anything under it! The subtle allover cable on this pattern is perfect with the Lorna’s Laces Sportmate.


Again, just say no to the plaid!  Picture this with a simple camisole underneath. Conoy is  a lovely piece with an easy rectangular construction and drapey fit that goes perfect with skinny jeans. And this tunic calls for Manos Serena, easily one of all time favorite yarns.

This book has an interesting variety of constructions for the garments, and beautiful, intricate details on the accessories. It’s a well rounded collection with pieces full of unusual cables that will never bore you. Definitely a must-have for your knitting book collection!



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