Round up!

by | May 11, 2007 | Uncategorized

Pictures of my beautiful package from my secret pal.

I especially love how my backdrop holder is peeping over the top. There was so much stuff. 8 skeins of KP alpaca cloud in two different colors. Those gorgeous silk scarves. And the opal shelridge farm? To die for! So much beautiful stuff. If you are very lucky, the sweet llamabean will be your SP next time, cause she has this SP stuff down!

Well, cleaning and purging and “pre-packing” has made me take stock of my wips. I did not count how many skeins of sock and lace yarns I have before I packed that box. But it’s a good size box. Dang.

Recently Touched WIPs
1. Jitterbug Socks – my own pattern, 1 sock 65% done
2. Scotch Thistle Stole in Schaefer Anne
3. Sarcelle in Alpaca With A Twist’s Fino
4. Icarus in Misti Alpaca Laceweight
5. Happy Trekking Sock – 1 done, but it needs adjustments
6. Monica in Cotton-Ease – about 40% done
7. Blooms Bracelet – Just needs stringing
8. Silk & Kid Merino Scarf – my own pattern

Very Neglected WIPs
1. The Revived Dead Bride
2. Via Diagonale
3. Perdita
4. Cozy
5. The Man’s Fuzzy Feet
6. Embossed Leaves Socks that need repairs
7. Sandy Cardigan

15. Fifteen. Oh my. Oh my, my, my. The scary thing is, I typed this list out to justify casting on for the little beauty below. Surely my WIP pile wasn’t that bad. Right? Fifteen says I’m wrong. Very wrong. Dead wrong.


  1. maryannlucy

    Wow! How lucky are you…so much lovely stuff including the book I really want. Fabulous spoilage.

  2. Lynn

    Fifteen is a perfect number of WIPs! When you get to 50 or more, THEN you can start to worry.

  3. Valerie

    garsh, guess I won’t ask YOU to knit my socks for ME. 😉

    You are too cute. You have knitting ADD like me. It’s horrible. But yet, you make cute sweaters and socks and stuff. I make dumb scarfs, hats and blankets. Just cuz I’m too lazy to read patterns and I’m not smart enough to make stuff up as I go.

    You got a great secret pal! Lucky you!

  4. Kathe

    Honey, 15 is really nothing. That’s just over 2 weeks worth if you worked on something different every day! Choice is good… so now when are you casting on for that new one?

  5. Batty

    Nice package! And 15 is a great number of WIPs. The right knit for every occasion!

  6. TeresaB

    15 is not a bad number, in fact 16 would be a much more rounded number. So why not just cast on!!!!! (Not to mention I want to see how that will look in person…yeah, I know, it’s so totally wrong to get you to cast on something so I can see it.)


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