
by | Aug 3, 2011 | Uncategorized


My design process is still evolving, but it’s definitely been a learning process doing this e-book. I thought I knew what this yarn wanted to be. And I knit along merrily until I realized it just wasn’t good enough. I’m having a lot of that going on with this project. I come up with something and I feel like it isn’t good enough. Or my brain comes up with awesome ideas for things totally unrelated to the project.
I had a lovely diamond patterned shawlette going and I just wasn’t happy with it. So I ripped everything out and started all over again on the 28th of July. Yeah. There was a three day weekend that included maybe 8 hours of sleep total, more coffee than I’ve drank in my entire life, an entire season of True Blood on DVD, and an amazing tech editor who actually stayed up with me (via messenger) on one of the nights.

And here is the result of that madness:


Stravinsky is worked from the bottom up. You cast on the lovely edging and pick up stitches for the body. The stitches are really easy to pick up though, because the border has a garter edge and you just pick up in between the ridges. Then each row gets smaller and smaller as the lace body patterns unfolds. It blocks into a shallow half-circle shape.


The yarn used for this shawlette is Opal from ilLOOMinated Yarns. It’s gorgeous and has a sheen that cannot be believed. This colorway is Minnesota Walnut – hand dyed naturally.


Available individually for $6.00

Or as part of the Seven Songs e-book for $21.95

Four more songs yet to come!


  1. Karen

    thank you, thank you, for such a lovely shawl pattern. and I thank you for using my yarn too. I can’t wait to make this!


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