The same good idea

by | Nov 14, 2010 | Uncategorized

We had a canceled camping trip this weekend. So since a boy was bummed out, we decided to head down to Universal. I thought to myself, “Self, it’s the perfect weekend. It will be cool and comfortable. And it’s far away enough from Thanksgiving that surely there won’t be that many people there.”
I was wrong. Dead wrong.

Apparently a bajillion people had the same good idea. There were tons of people there. Tons. People in tank tops and short-shorts. People who didn’t seem to understand that A. it was cold and B. even if it’s chilly outside (55 this morning!) you can still get a wicked sunburn.

The waits for rides weren’t horrible. But that was because most everyone was in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It was so crowded that even the  lines for butterbeer were insane. And don’t get me started on the lines for Ollivanders or Dervishes & Bangs. People stood in line (forever!!!) to buy something. Something overpriced that would probably break before they made it to the airport.


In the good news department my 11 year old rode “Flight of the Hippogriff” with me. Rollercoasters (no matter how tame) are not his thing. But he had a blast. Of course he did spout out a few choice words of colorful language instead of shrieking or screaming. “Purple! Yellow! Reeeeeeeeeedddddd!”


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