
by | Mar 19, 2016 | teaching

Two weeks from today (!!!) I will be at YarnCon in Chicago. It has been years (decades) since I’ve been to Chicago and I’m really looking forward to going back. I’ve never been to YarnCon of course, but I’ve heard amazing things about it and I can’t wait to get there.
What is YarnCon? YarnCon is Chicago’s Indie Fiber Fair. There are amazing vendors, and classes, and I’m teaching class there myself!

cferguson-fancyfinishes-evanthe copy

We are going to work through a variety of bind-off techniques for knitted lace, including: ace bind-offs, extra stretchy bind-offs, picot bind-offs, crochet loop bind-offs, and manipulating the last few rows of knitting to provide extra stretch for dramatic lace edgings. The fancy finish pictured is from my shawl Evanthe, and both the Evanthe pattern AND the Jovia pattern (which uses a picot bind-off shown below) are part of the class materials.


This class will teach you skills helpful in any lace knitting you do, and also about how to change things up a bit to make a pattern your own! I would love to see you there in class – it’s available both Saturday and Sunday mornings at 10am, which leaves you the rest of the day for shopping and schmoozing and knitting! You can register for classes for YarnCon by using their registration page. Hope to see you there!


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