Pardon me while I ramble…

I signed up for SP4. I am having a great experience. I repeat, no troubles here. I’ve heard from my SP quite a few times, and I’m doing my darndest to be a good SP to my girlie. Already sent a mini-pkg even. I’ll probably shop for her today. But all...

RIP Soleil

I had to frog it. Again. For about the 27th time. I’m gonna start making hashmarks in my arm each time I frog it. Honestly. I’m not gonna pick it up again for awhile. I’m partway into branching out and that’s for my mama. I really need to...

Isn’t she lovely?

My first two repeats of the lace in my soleil. Notice the uniform stitches. Notice the lack of crazy curling edges. I think I’m finally doing this right. And in the oh my goodness what was I thinking category…. This is the first repeat of the lace for...

Denial is the first stage…

I don’t have a problem. I’m not addicted to the knittyboard. Not at all. If I was addicted, truly addicted, could I have left the house this morning and spent an entire afternoon at the park having a picnic with my son, my sister and my nephew?? No way!...

a smallish whine

When I created this blog, I signed up to join the knittyheads. I’m decently savvy when it comes to computers/web stuff, so I’m pretty darn sure I did it right. I waited a month. Nothing. The queue over there seems to turn over pretty quickly. I’ve...

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