It’s called a slump people.

A personal slump and a knitting one. Personally: I gave up diet pepsi and diet coke. So I am now in the stronghold of the meanest caffeine/nutrasweet withdrawal headache/lethargy/vomiting mess… I feel so completely wretched. And it calls my name you know....

Are knitted garments not for me?

*sigh* and double *sigh* Mariposa is not working. There is entirely too much fabric on the top. And the bottom is just all wonky. I haven’t finished the straps yet. I may knit an “A-frame” type back panel and just stitch that in. I can’t...

I saw the light…

At least I thought I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. I swear I saw it. Wasn’t that the light? The big pieces of mariposa are all done. And quite lovely thank you. But now I have to do the straps. The straps are done in a kind of intarsia I guess. And a...

the long ugly weekend…

The weekend did not start out well. There was the scary green poop episode in the tub courtesy of my 2yo nephew on Friday. On Saturday we headed out to the blueberry festival in small town bfe. Apparently it ended at 4pm. We arrived at 3:50 pm. Not good. That night...

Kidless and forlorn…

Backstory: My church is being remodeled this summer. Therefore, there is no VBS this summer. Therefore, there will be four summer fun days, each spaced two weeks apart on Thursday…. yada, yada, yada. Yesterday was fun day the first. Summer Splash. I packed the...

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