The olympic equivalent of…

I guess you could say I’m *this* close to being disqualified. Six days have been marked off of the Olympic Knitting Calendar. And I’ve only knit about 25% of my Sitcom Chic. I didn’t take another picture, because quite honestly folks, there’s...

Regarding Unsupervised Husbands…

If you wonder what will happen if you leave your husband alone at home to participate in the Knitting Olympics… Friday night I hit the LYS to cast on for my sitcom chic. It was good. When I got home the man was doing laundry. Seems like a considerate thing, no?...

If I didn’t know better…

I’d say he loves them. Them being the fourth true FO of 2006. As in I had to weave in ends and wash them. He actually helped me smooth them out. Project: SocksYarn: Knitpicks Parade in Forest, maybe a skein and a quarterNeedles: Size 2 addis And then we trained....

Last Minute Louie….

Aka a later gator. Procrastinator extraordinaire. That would be me. I *still* have not selected a project for the Knitting Olympics. I’m feeling a bit guilty though because I still haven’t knitted man socks. Or boy #1 socks. Boy #2 has socks. But...

A severe case of finaphobia

I’m working on repeat 11 of my leaf lace shawl. The plan is 12 repeats and then edging. It’s getting closer. The taste of victory. So would you like to know what I did yesterday? Ahhh yes. I went to the “other” LYS. I petted a bunch of dk...

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