Eight is great!

Pictures of eight works in progress. The only eight I own. The Sandy Cardigan looks way more finished than it is. I have to rip out the sleeve and the side panel on the left, and re-measure myself and do the math again. And here is a shot of the beautiful #19, which I...

Fe, Fi, FO, done!

And then, there were nine. Which is decidely less than ten. Less than ten people!!! I now officially only have ten projects on the go. I just wove in ends on the fuzzy feet. And tomorrow morning I will throw them in the new washer and see how it goes. St....

Picture Pages…

Do you remember picture pages? What show was that a part of? Bill Cosby and the magical marker. “Time to let Bill Cosby do a picture page with you!” And the magical marker would make wonderful sounds as it traced the lines. Dude. I’m old. But I did finally squeak at...

I blame her.

She knows who she is. I gave up on the silk/mohair scarf. Everything I was doing with that yarn combo was craptastic. Seriously bad. So for those of you keeping track, I would be down to four active projects. I tried to cast on today for something else. It’s her...

The answer.

It’s simple really. The reason I don’t finish any projects is because I never stick with anything. Even now. I only have six projects that I’m actively involved in. (I frogged the July washcloth – something was off about it). But even with only...

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