Every so often…

I fall into the hole. The too many wips hole. Too many wips, too many ufos. I think I might have some knitting issues. Poor planning knitting issues. I start things that I never finish. Why is that? Many of the things I seem to never want to finish. You might wanna...

Don’t do the math!

When will I ever learn? I’ve been working on Mr. Greenjeans for less than 2 weeks. I’m making fantastic progress although I’ve slowed a bit due to insane busy-ness. But then I did the math. Check the clock. 10:27. Work one row. What time is it?...

C’mon get happy!

And that’s an order! And just to share my particular ear-worm with you…. So my good friend GirlWithNeedles tagged me as someone who makes her smile. Actually I think a good lot of my friends get smiles and giggles from my stories of the stupid things that...

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