Radda radda… or important note about the Misty Hat

So I took a copy of my Misty Hat pdf to Cub Scouts tonight. I was planning to mark it up and figure out some sort of style sheet for future patterns. I’m a math person so when I see numbers I auto-calculate. And I did this with one round of decreases. The answer...

My Very First Yarn Picture

Ok, not my first one. But my first one that actually looks like something pretty. I took a decent pic of the summer tweed the other day, but that was in perfect mid-morning sun through the blinds conditions. This one was just hanging out in my very own kitchen. Today...

Do you think we’re creepy?

Some people I know find mannequin heads creepy. I thought it was a necessary investment for my business. Especially because I seem to have a way with hats. The hat on the left is the surrey prototype. I’ve done some frogging on it this morning and last night,...

Remote blogging?

I am blogging from my college library. Now normally I don’t use the college computers for non-school purposes. But today I am. Because Clearwire hates me. I don’t know what I did to clearwire. I give them money every month. I have their phone service....

Lemon Bar Hangover

Although some of my friends might let you know that I enjoy a drink a few times a week, I’m a cheap date. As in, I’m quite happy after 2 drinks. Due to this fact, I’ve never been hungover. I have crawled from the livingroom to the bedroom (of my own...

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