Barking dogs.

My feet are killing me. I think my favorite New Balance gym shoes have finally bit the dust. They were not helpful and supportive today while I hiked all over downtown. Of course the fact that I wore bowling shoes today probably didn’t help things. The good news...

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat…

…please to put a penny in an old man’s hat! From my favorite Christmas album of all time, with John Denver and Muppets. I played it today as I ran my errands. While we did our decorating, we made sure to get some extra silliness in. Little dude doing his...

This pie is made of fail.

Being really tired is kind of like being really drunk. Your judgment is impaired. You think you can do things you really can’t do. Like bake the last pumpkin pie in the middle of the night. And you might tidy up the kitchen and think that you will hear the timer...

Tired now.

I got to sleep in a bit this morning. Until 7:20. Kind of cool. But my day did not go as I had planned it – mostly because I didn’t buckle down and start baking right after class. So now it’s 11:09 PM and I still have pies in the oven. And I still...

Stoopid Hooman

So I’m running out of posting mojo. So I say to myself, “Self, just go to page 27 of your flickr photostream and find a picture there and blog about it.” Why page 27? Because 27 is the best number ever. Don’t you have a favorite number? Well, I...

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