Stitches South Recap

I wish I could express how much fun I had. Or how fabulous my traveling companions were. Or how every knitter I met and talked to was gracious and kind and hilarious and fun. Really. It was like being in some sort of fabulous knitting commune where there is every...


So I’m super excited – I’m going to Stitches South. Just for the weekend to visit the market and to hang out and have a girls’ weekend. I can’t remember the last time I’ve done this. Shoot, I think the last time I went out of town...

New-itis – I gots it.

When I used to work at the newspaper, there was a certain group of folks who had new-itis. They were not interested in dealing with old projects, they just wanted the new. I never understood it. And it frustrated the heck out of me sometimes. I understand now. I have...


I’ve gone through some tough times when I was on my own. But I figured things out and I had help from my family. Now I am incredibly blessed to have this amazing husband who works so very hard to take care of us. Sometimes things are tight around here, but we...

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