Only 60 miles.

So remember that little matter of 60 miles? Yep, I’m (finally) officially registered. Which means I can start hitting up all of you good folks for donations. Here’s the short and dirty of it all: I will be walking 60 miles over the course of 3 days. I have...

Ice, Ice Baby

My husband says this all the time. Not because he is a huge Vanilla Ice fan. It’s his way of saying Internet Changes Everything. And it does. You might not know this, but I met my husband on the internet. Happily married for 6+ years now. And I run my business...


Designing inspiration comes in many forms. One of the most fun is when the yarn just tells you what it wants to be. While I’m working at my LYS I have to rearrange the yarn. Make it look pretty. Re-twist it if it has come undone. Yarn is a tactile thing. So...

And the winner is…

Well the winner says… “My favorite color is green and my favorite fingering weight yarn just so happens to be malabrigo sock!” It must be meant to be, because the random number generator picked her comment: So the winner is HeidiMonke!!!! I clicked...

Green Pettine?

Did you know that Green and Pettine rhyme? Actually I think I name most of my patterns so strangely that most folks have no idea how to pronounce them.  So here’s a primer for the ones that I think are open to interpretation: Gaenor (GUH-nor) – Um, I...

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