Red for the win

Life just gets so busy so fast. And things all come at me at once. I’ve been working like a fiend on this new design in the gorgeous Dyeabolical superwash merino laceweight. But if you do stupid things late at night and have to rip out days of knitting things go...

Vittorio Knitalong!

So the love for Vittorio has made me super, super happy. It’s been a busy and exhausting few months and to have it come out to such appreciation has been quite the blessing. So thank you! But just to be clear this pattern would not be awesome were it not for...


When I received this yarn support in the mail it was one of those love/hate things. The colors are loud and amazing and fabulous – my inner yarnie screamed with delight. But my inner designer was afraid. How do you take something this awesome and this variegated...

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