Homeward Bound

I will have to regale you with a TNNA recap soon, but right now I’m not sure I could do it justice. Suffice to say I met all sorts of amazing people – designers, yarnies, Ravelry people… I was so worried that going to TNNA was going to be an...

Baroque Blossoms

I swear I will do proper posts on all these designs, but right now I’m running around like a madwoman getting ready for TNNA. Speaking of which, if you are there, these samples will be on display in The Alpaca Yarn Company booth – numbers 945/947. This is...


Whenever I design something new, I always have a favorite part. That up there? That’s my favorite part. The little place with the lace comes together and then you work a triple yarnover and everything fans out in perfect little yarnover column petals. I’m...

Too many ideas

On my twitter profile,  I state that I have “more ideas than time.” It’s so true. There are at least 3 projects I’d love to do before TNNA. Just for the record, I leave for TNNA (The National Needleworks Association show) in 10 days. Three...


Laresca began as most knitting things began with an idea. A “what if”. What if you took some sort of lace panel up the side and split it over the shoulders? And the perfect textured yarn made the stockinette body have some interest? So many moons ago I...

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