Give One Get One!

Today I am in full on Christmas gear. I have on jingle bell earrings, a Christmas tee with Santa Claus, and Christmas socks that are striped red, white, and green with silver sparkle. I had to work the ice cream sales at school. It was for the children. Don’t...

I think I found it!

My Christmas spirit that is! It was simple things really. Yesterday I think I put about 200 miles on my minivan. Seriously. So many trips back and forth to both of the boys’ schools. One had cross country, one had tutoring, one needed money dropped off so they...

December Denial

It is not December. It cannot be. I am not prepared in any way, shape, or form for it to be December. Christmas shopping? Bah! I don’t even have a list started yet! Project deadlines? Somehow I’m doing ok on those, but I did hire an army of sample...

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