TNNA Phoenix Recap

The weekend before last was the Phoenix TNNA. Now I don’t know why, but the 2 hour time difference seems to have sucked the life out of me. Maybe it’s because Phoenix also sucked every last bit of moisture out of my body. I can’t imagine what the...

Tips 4 Designers – Trade Show Etiquette

Are you thinking about attending your first TNNA trade show this year in Columbus? I’ve been going for a while and now I exhibit at the shows – you can see my little corner of the Stitch Sprouts world on the right below. But when I first went I had no idea...


Lareina is finally live! I swear life has been conspiring against me – but I am getting things back under control. Lareina is the 2nd of the Perfectly Placed shawls – Loradee was the first. Perfectly Placed is a collection of striped shawls in Yellowstone...

Artistic Differences Blog Tour

I am the second to last stop on the Artistic Differences Blog Tour. This is an amazing new collection by Talitha Kuomi in collaboration with Classic Elite Yarns.  If you don’t know Talitha’s work from her fabulous portfolio or from The Fiber Factor, you...

Tips 4 Designers – Photography Models

Are you an aspiring knitting designer? Did you know I write a blog series on the Stitch Sprouts Blog called “Tips 4 Designers”? Each week or so I blog about some things that might help you as a beginning designer. I’m always looking for blog post...

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