
by | Nov 5, 2013 | Uncategorized


The sixth of the Seven Sheep is a bit behind schedule, but I think it was worth the wait. I am quite obsessed with two-color shawls lately. I want everything to be two-color. Or more colors! And I’m really loving the bigger shawls and the increased options I get with 800 yards of yarn.

Apennine is constructed asymmetrically. You cast-on only 2 stitches and increase on just one edge. When all is said and done you bind off the shawl with an applied edging, so there is no miserably long bind-off row. Just like I want everything to be two-color, I also want everything to be asymmetrical. Of course I have a sort of knit design disorder where I am convinced that whatever I am working on right now is the best thing ever! Luckily for you I also have a short attention span, so you don’t have to knit the same thing over and over again. You’re welcome.


Pre-blocking this baby was only about 36″ wide along the top edge. Which totally freaked me out. But the magic of blocking is magical and tried and true. And when it was finished it blocked out to well over 60″ wide and 27″ deep. It’s a nice big shawl to wrap yourself up, and the two different ends adds a bit of interest and flair.


Apennine uses two colors of Baah! La Jolla – Lavender and Grey Onyx. I seriously considered using a bright tardis blue instead of the lavender. I actually can’t wait to see what other color combinations folks decide to try! So pick your two favorite colors and work up your own Apennine.


Needles: Size 7 needles (4.5 mm)

Yarn: Baah! La Jolla, 1 skein – shown in Lavender and Grey Onyx

Gauge: 18 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches in blocked stockinette

Size: Approximately 60″ wide and 27″ deep after blocking

Apennine is available on Ravelry for $6.00

Or as part of the Seven Sheep for $21.95

1 Comment

  1. Alicia

    This is absolutely gorgeous! So unique and lovely.


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