Boobie Blitz: Day One

by | Oct 1, 2010 | Uncategorized

Remember I mentioned that I was gonna do something big to try to raise funds for my walk? Well here it goes. This my friends, is a week-long boobie blitz. Did you know that every 69 seconds a woman somewhere in the world dies of breast cancer? Nearly once a minute someone loses a wife. A daughter. A mother. An aunt. A grandma. Forever.
Part One: So there are four ways you can support my insane 3-Day 60-Mile endeavor to change that.

  1. Donate! All donations are tax deductible and if your work has matching gift programs, take advantage of ’em!
  2. Buy Patterns! All PicnicKnits patterns are 25% off for the first week of October. And all proceeds this first week will go to my race fundraising. So if you’ve been eyeing Daphne Ann and think she’s too pricey…. well right now she’s only $7.13. And most of my other patterns will be from $3.75-$4.50 – it’s bargain time!
  3. Buy T-Shirts! These awesome t-shirts are a great way to support the boobies. All proceeds from these shirts go to our team fundraising efforts.
  4. Shout it out! Maybe now isn’t a good time for you to be buying things. Maybe you’ve already donated (thank you!) or whatever. Point other people here! If you can help me publicize this, that would be awesome.  Look, I even have a cute little graphic you can steal and put on your blog!
  5. Part Two: I’m designing a very pink shawlette. I’m starting today and it will be finished and published by the end of the week. It’s worked up in Malabrigo Light of Love (so very pinkity pink!) in the sock put-up.  So by the end of the week you will see the real ins and outs of me designing. Warning: it ain’t pretty!

    boobie-blitz 004

    Part Three: Oh and wait – there are prizes! This week every single day I will be giving away some pretty nifty prizes for knitters and some even for non-knitters (gasp!) And all you have to do to be entered in the drawing is comment.  Today’s question of the day – have you lost anyone to breast cancer? For me it was my Aunt Diane. The craziest, most fun, most loving person ever. Later this week I’ll tell you some fun stories about her.

    So to be entered in the drawing for the prize, you just have to comment on this post. I’ll announce the winners of all the prizes on October 8th. If you’ve not lost anyone, count your blessings and send some love to those who have, but you gotta comment to be entered to win. So without further adieu, here’s today prize:

    boobie-blitz 001

    A Namaste Circular Needle Case. This is an accordion case in a beautiful shade of (you guessed it!) bubblegum pink! It’s perfect for corralling all the crazy circular needles you have floating around. In fact, I really need to get one for myself!

    boobie-blitz 002

    And just to kick things off, we have a blitz song today for your amusement and entertainment. Hey! Ho! Let’s Go!


  1. Sharon

    OMG, so exciting! And a Ramones song to boot! Love!

  2. Lisa

    Best of luck! We’re heavy into fundraising for our Komen walk in 2 weeks also. I’m impressed that you are doing a 3-day, I think the 5k is going to kick my butt 🙂

  3. Elisha

    I lost a cousin to breast cancer. Several friends are fighting it. Many more friends have lost their fight with other forms of cancer. Such a miserable disease. Thank you for doing what you do!

  4. Christa

    I haven’t lost anyone close to me from breast cancer. I know several survivors close to me at my job. Great idea to help raise support!

  5. Patricia Bishop

    Thank you so much for doing this give away to bring awareness to Breast Cancer Awareness month. I lost my Grandmother to Breast cancer and my Mom is a survivor of Breast Canceer

  6. Jeniffer

    You go girl! What your doing is aweome. I haven’t lost anyone to breast cancer but my grandma died of ovarian cancer and my mom had a scare with colon cancer. If we can take out one, we can take out them all!

  7. Heather

    Thank the goddess I haven’t lost anyone close to me to breast cancer. I’ve recently discovered a few second cousins have been diagnosed with breast cancer, but so far are doing well. My father had testicular cancer when I was a toddler and it was a contributing factor to his death in 1985.

  8. Lynn

    You know I can’t resist a giveaway! I’ve never lost anyone to breast cancer, although other forms have been known in my family.

  9. donna

    I lost a good friend to breast cancer about 20 years ago and lost my mother to uterine cancer 14 years ago. Good luck with the fundraising 🙂

  10. Jennifer

    I lost my MIL to breast cancer. Cancer sucks!

  11. sillylittlelady

    Good luck with your blitz and with your walk 😀 boobies everywhere love you!

  12. Kristen

    Thank you for raising money for such a great cause!

  13. Lauren

    Ooooo! that case is So cute! I want!

  14. Lisa

    I’m so sorry for your loss. This runs on my mother’s side of the family. :hugs: I hope you hit your goal (and then some) soon!

  15. Zonda

    Wishing you well with your fundraising and walk! I’m putting a link on my blog too!

  16. Rae

    Mines was my Aunt Penny she was like a second mom to me she passed away the same yr my mom did 7 months later.

  17. Melodie

    Thank you for all you do to raise money for a great cause. I am lucky that I haven’t lost anyone to breast cancer but have lost several close friends and family to other types of cancer.

  18. Suzanne

    No, I haven’t lost anyone to breast cancer, but I do have a few friends who have breast cancer. I don’t know if its just my imagination, or because of widespread media coverage, but I don’t ever remember as a child, hearing about or even personally knowing so many women who either have or have been affected by this disease….Thank you for what you do!

  19. Pia

    You go girl! We all know someone who has/had breast cancer, sadly. I’m crewing for the Phoenix 3-day team Las Bambas in Nov! Yay!

  20. Knittingdancer

    I lost my first cousin to breast cancer and my mother to brain cancer.

  21. sarah

    wow,awesome giveaway for a good cause!

  22. Susan

    Best of luck in your big endeavor. I have friends involved in similar activities near me whom I support. We’ll beat it yet!

  23. Heather

    You are awesome! I have lost my great-grandmother and grandmother to cancer on my maternal side my mother and I are both big proponets of breast health, natural, eastern, and western breast health. Unfortunately cancer is everywhere today I also have numerous friends one with breast cancer she seems to have beaten it for now, my uncle has colon cancer and a second uncle has bone. Keep up the good work.

  24. Tilly

    Luckily I’ve not lost anyone to breast cancer. My uncle died 2 years ago from complications arising from bladder cancer. My grandmother had a benign tumour in her breast but was scared to get it checked out. It eventually got so big that she had to have a mastectomy.

  25. Paula

    Good luck with the walk. Both my sisters are breast cancer survivors, but one of them lost her best friend to breast cancer.

  26. Leah

    I’m lucky that the two friends who had breast cancer recovered. But I lost the most influential friend in my live to cervical cancer. She was brought up in a home with lots of secrets and by the time she sought treatment the cancer had metastasized to her brain. Cervical cancer. Get your pap smears, women!
    Bless you, Corinna.

  27. Zita

    I have not lost anyone close to me to breast cancer, but early this very morning I lost my dear sister-in-law to small-cell lung cancer. And her name is Daphne! I’ll be ordering the Daphne Ann pattern.

  28. Crystal (Silver)

    I tweeted about your Boobie Blitz @starncrossbones. 😉
    Also, I haven’t lost anyone to cancer, but my mother is a breast cancer survivor.

    I am so dang tempted to buy one of your patterns so I can knit it up for my mom.

  29. Kris

    Happy to say I know several long-time survivors. Kudos to you for your walk! Off to peruse the patterns.

  30. Christel

    My aunt by marriage died many years ago from breast cancer. I work with at least 12 survivors. Had a bake sale at work todayfor the company breast cancer team and someone brought the Panera bagels in the ribbon shape. They’re wonderful if you haven’t tried them!!Lost my dad to liver cancer and my father-in-law to brain cancer within 4 months of each other. Can’t believe its been 7 years already.

  31. Lisa B.

    I’ve not lost anyone to breast cancer, but I know people who have.

  32. Knittaroo

    I haven’t lost anyone, thankfully. My aunt is a survivor. My heart goes out to all who are fighting this disease or have lost someone to it.

  33. Knitmomma

    My grandmother, a wonderful, loving woman who was my grandfather’s 3rd wife. I miss you, Grandma Jane!

  34. nicole

    I think what you are doing for Breast Cancer is amazing, and if there were more of people like you we’d be able to beat it in a heartbeat. My mom is a survivor, but the damage has been lasting. I wish you luck on the fund raising and I thank you for the awesome giveaway. I’m PurlVerde on Ravelry, see you around.

  35. Ann

    Can’t wait to see the shawlette pattern! I’ve got that color of Malabrigo and would love to use it on one of your patterns. Good luck on the 3 day walk! My sister and I walked together one year…it’s a life changer!

  36. Ann

    I lost my sister in law after a five year battle and my Aunt. I miss both of them every day. Thank you for walking for all of us!

  37. RubyStitches

    Breast Cancer is all around us, my little sister is a survivor. Bless you for doing this, this a fight that we really need to win.

  38. aredhelstar

    Thankfully I have not yet lost anyone to breast cancer, but my grandmother was a survivor until she passed away from other causes a few years ago.

  39. Amy

    I lost a co-worker to breast cancer when she was not even 40 years old. She was a great person. I will always remember her. She threw me a baby show when I was pregnant with my son.

  40. Nathalie

    Bravo for your involvement.I did not lost someone but I always contribute each year to raise money for breast cancer.

  41. Tricia

    I lost my grandmother to breast cancer when I was two years old. Apparently I am just like her. She was an animal lover (my grandfather used to say he was surprised she hadn’t brought home a cow- she had dogs, cats, birds, turtles, you name it) and loved to garden and plant things. I had a scare this summer with a lump in my boob and now have a fancy titanium ribbon implanted in the lump to mark that it has been biopsied. I also have a super sexy scar on my boob marking the spot… I mean I have been told it is sexy. I personally wish they had closed the incision up better 🙂

  42. Nicky

    i lost my aunt to breast cancer almost 20 years ago. Aside from that I also work in an oncology hospital unit and see women and men fighting this disease everyday and many many many of them win the fight! Because of these experiences, I make sure to get an annual mammogram and do monthly breat exams, also make sure to have an annual exam with my ob/gyn dr. This is the most important part in surviving breast cancer, early detection and treatment. Timing is everything.

  43. Katerina

    Thanks for the great giveaway – cause and all! I have not lost anyone to breast cancer per say – but both of my parents lost the battle to different types of cancer, so my heart goes out to all those who struggled, have struggled and won, and those that are still here with loved ones that struggled and lost. Thanks again!

  44. Sandra

    Thank you for raising awareness and funds for breast cancer. I have never lost anyone to this disease but had a mastectomy myself in January this year for invasive breast cancer. I am cancer free now. I love pink!

  45. Kate

    Thankfully I haven’t lost anyone to breast cancer, although I do know of an ex-colleague who was fighting it a couple of years ago. I’ve unfortunately lost several family members to other forms of cancer, and a couple of colleagues that have passed away from cancer in the last year. Thank you for doing this, this is the sort of thing that makes a difference. We don’t have anything like this in the UK, just shorter walks (I did 10 km myself this summer).

  46. Nancy

    I lost my older sister to breast cancer a few years ago and you can be sure I get my checkups and mammos.

  47. Roxanne LaChance

    Here is a special poem that I wrote for my husband. It is a poem about his past wife who died of breast cancer at the age of 44. She was so special to him and this is what I believe he felt. Her name was Anna.

    So lovingly she smiled at me;
    Yet knowing only time,
    Would take away her shallow
    Breath, afloat to the Divine.

    She was so young and full of life;
    And only I could tell,
    The cancer in her bosom
    Was a cause to give her hell.

    The doctors gave her little time,
    Yet onward she persisted.
    Biopsies, needles, pills and drugs;
    So weak, yet never resisted.

    When to her brain the cancer crawled
    And squeezed her life away.
    I miss her so and know that
    She’s a part of me, today.

    If only I could hold her close
    And tell her how I feel.
    My love for her will never die.
    My heart will never heal.

    By Roxanne LaChance

  48. Jennifer

    I count my blessings everyday that I haven’t lost anyone to breast cancer. (((to all those that have)))

  49. christine from Jax

    I love this needle case, I have one in pink’s cousin purple!

  50. april

    I lost my great-Aunt Anne to breast cancer. I lost one of my best internet friends (met via blog) and am so sad to have never met her. She was only 28. My roommate just lost a good friend, who was only 27. Another friend is currently under treatment. Best of all, I know four BEAUTIFUL survivors. Thank you for partcipating in something like this. I wish I could make up your total difference, but I’m off to the pattern shop to at least do a little part!

  51. knittinhoney

    No, I haven’t lost anyone, but have had a few friends who are breast cancer survivors.

  52. Debbie G.

    I lost a dear friend from church many years ago (at least 13 now). And I have 5 current friends who are all survivors. One of those survivors actually did the same walk a couple of years ago in Atlanta, not long after her surgery and treatment. Thanks for all you are doing to help find a cure!

  53. vickie b

    good luck with your walk. I have not lost anyone to breast cancer. My mom had thyroid cancer but she did very well with her treatment and is three years in remission this december.

  54. Tina

    What you are doing is great.

  55. Rhonda

    Yes, my Mom, at 68 years young. She was my Mom and my best friend, and there is not a day that goes by that I don’t miss her.

  56. DG

    I haven’t lost anyone yet, but my mom is a two-time survivor, and I have a cousin who’s fighting it now. Good for you for committing to this walk!


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