The Seven Sheep

So it’s finally done. All Seven Sheep have been published. I’m really, really in love with this collection. And let me just tell you the Baah! La Jolla will do anything. It cables, it laces, it does mesh, and it blocks like a dream. The colors are out of...

Pretty Cast On

I have a favorite cast-on. It’s kind of weird. Other folks have used it I’m sure, but it was an idea that I had that worked out really nicely. You cast-on over two needles (or one really big one) and then you immediately do a ton of double increases. When...

Thursday Thirty

All of the sudden tons of people I know seem to be turning 30. Having recently turned 40, 30 seems, well ages ago. Ten years. What has changed in ten years? See those adorable little monsters? Well the blonde one is now just shy of 6 feet tall. Which is taller than...


This pattern started with a tweet. Before I had completely formulated the plan Liberty’s Yarn was offering yarn support. And when I received the gorgeous yarn, I knew there was a gorgeous leafy motif I wanted to incorporate. And so it went. We won’t speak...

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