Going Back To Cali

by | Jan 7, 2014 | Uncategorized

I have an unreasonable love for LL Cool J. Like I actually enjoyed seeing him in that stupid Best Buy Christmas commercial. And I watched ‘Last Holiday’ the other day mostly for him.  My teenage sons are embarrassed by it. But you’ll forgive me if I quote him as I break my radio silence, won’t you?

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Did you know you can follow me on Instagram? Where I post amazing pics like the above!

Life has been good but full of all the things. I’m working on the book, and another new huge secret project, and I’m knitting so much I’ve been buying Ben Gay and KT Tape for my aching wrists and forearms. Teenage boys keep growing – in fact my 14 year old needed new uniform pants – again – because he had 2 inches of ankle showing after Christmas break.

I’m off for my 2nd trip to California come Thursday. This time it’s San Diego. Not sure how much I will see as the TNNA trade show is always very busy, but it will be fabulous to see my designing  and yarn friends in real life and working the show will be a break from all the knit design work I’ve been doing lately. Although of course I’m bringing projects with me!

In other news I am the featured designer in the spring issue of Knitscene. This was the hugest honor and I’m really proud of the spring collection that I put together with some of my very favorite yarns. I’m gonna do a blog post for each piece but you can see the patterns by going to my Ravelry page – here. There’s also an interview with me in the magazine – it’s always fascinating to me to see how I come across to folks. So much fun and such an honor!


Hope your holidays were wonderful and that you didn’t work as much as I did! Watch this space for blog posts on each of my Spring Knitscene designs!


  1. Brenda

    Have a treat time at TNNA. Tell San Diego hi for me! And do try to enjoy that lovely weather, if you can. Ordering a year’s subscription to Knitscene today. Should start with “your” issue! Lovely stuff!! (Ok…2 inches growth over the break??!! Stop feeding that kid!!)

  2. Sharon Rawls

    that sweater looks intriguing. Since I finished Morganite and a few other things around Thanksgiving I have been uninspired! Looking forward to this!

  3. Inside Knitscene

    People are talking about Knitscene Spring!
    Knitscene Spring 2014 hit the newsstands last week, and this week I've rounded up a few blog posts


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