Like I need another obsession.

by | Dec 6, 2005 | Uncategorized

Ah Tuesdays. Drop the boys off at school. And then me and lil dude are off to run errands. He’s so good. All he wants is a hot wheel if he’s good at the store and all is right with the world. So we go to the evil Wally World. Trash bags, candles, carpet cleaner, etc. And then he’s so good that we head over to BAM. Cause at BAM they have a Thomas set. And I can peruse all the knitting mags and books and PJ can play. He loves it. Plus I don’t end up buying knitting mags that I really don’t want. I found two books I really want though. Geez. Handknit Holidays and Alterknits. Add that to the Sensational Knitted Socks book that I’m drooling over and well…

But I didn’t buy any of the books today. I resisted. But then on the way out I saw some sort of beginnner’s beading kit. Which included enough beads and notions to make ten different projects with step by step instructions. I was so very tempted. But then I opened it up (just to look inside, I didn’t damage the packaging) and the colors of the beads were just bleah. So again I resisted.

But then I headed to Michael’s and picked up a beading tool kit, a bunch of head pins, and a packet of variegated amethyst colored beads. For what? For hand-made stitch markers of course. My very first one is so cute. So cute. But I can’t get a good picture of it to save my life.

I do have some nice pics of my kool-aid experiment. Here it is all wet and squishy.

And here it is “Sherbet” all balled up. It’s very soft. And will make a nice pair of tutti-frutti socks.

And finally, I leave you with this. The man and I were gonna buy a TV for Christmas. Maybe a nice 27 incher. We even considered HDTV. But instead we got this. For free. Used but very, very nice. For free. It’s good to have a sister who works for the cable company who has customers with more money than they need.


  1. Shellie

    ….And you’re watching Buffy. How awesome!

  2. tArA nIcHoLe

    dang girl! I’d take a free tv anyday… no matter what size! Mine’s a 12 year old 13 incher!!!!!

  3. niki

    oh my goodness your watching buffy! love it….


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