
by | Mar 29, 2012 | Uncategorized

My schedule and my to-do lists are getting away from me lately. I have a bajillion things to do right now but what I really want/need is a nap. Or to color my roots. Or to finish this sooper seekrit sample. Geesh. See what I mean?

I need to do some work on the blog as well – get things in order. I think how I will spend the next few moments is really nailing down some sort of daily schedule that helps me to get everything done. I bought myself a new notebook today to do that. My iPhone is nifty, but I really don’t find it helpful when it comes to my monster to-do lists. Is there a to-do app or somesuch that you use that helps you stay in line? Or are you old-fashioned like me and prefer pen and paper?



  1. Susan

    Definitely pen and paper for me! I keep two to-do lists, a long list and a short list. Everything goes on the long list which gradually gets added to and crossed off until it’s too messy to read and then gets re-written. I write a new short list each day with just 3-5 of the top priority things from the long list that I’m going to try and do that day.
    I do use (and love) Evernote for the less task-oriented lists like ideas for future blog posts or ideas for my business that I might like to try someday but don’t have to get around to.

    Can you tell that I love talking about my lists?

  2. Karen

    Definitely pen and paper lists for me as well. I like the satisfaction of physically crossing something off my list.


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