Nothing to see here.

by | Aug 21, 2011 | Uncategorized

Sadly there isn’t much to see here. The fourth of the Seven Songs is rolling along and I can’t show you any sort of sneak peek. Why? Because not only is my main camera broken, my cell phone camera is out of order too. The Canon got dropped on the tile kitchen floor. The cell phone? Who knows? All I get is “camera error” no matter what I do. So here’s a grainy Barnes & Noble shot by my dear friend Kim of some of the ideas I was swatching.

Isn’t that gorgeous? Yeah, I know. This picture does no justice to the lovely pink yarn that Jellyfish Knits sent me. But trust me when I say that this shawlette will be lovely. Besides I’m even way ahead of my normal crazy re-knitting the entire thing at the last minute schedule. But September 1st is coming up soon, so watch this space.


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