Sunny side of the street

by | Jun 6, 2010 | Uncategorized

Training is going well for the 3-day. And I’ve already got over $100 in donations. If you made a donation and deserve a free pattern, make sure you let me know which one you would like. Also, my new shoes are fabulous! I walked five miles Saturday morning and wore the new “anti-friction” socks and my feet felt wonderful. Well it totally kicked my butt, but my feet felt good. If you’re local the Baldwin-Jacksonville trail is a fabulous place to walk or bike. It’s mostly shaded, the path is smooth, and the miles are marked off!
In other news and notes, I missed a contest deadline. I was working on a beautiful shawl out of this yarn and I just ran out of time:


The yarn is delicious. If you’ve ever worked with Baby Twist, you know what I mean. And it worked up into a generous wrap that is lovely and reversible. Not truly reversible like some of my shawls are. But both the right and the “wrong” side of the fabric are lovely and very similar. In fact, I think I prefer the “wrong side”.


This should be going to the tech editor in the next day or so. So hopefully there will be a new PicnicKnits pattern published very soon! I also have two designs that will come out in magazines in the next few months and two designs for online publications. Yes, I’ve been busy, even though it doesn’t seem that way!


  1. Christel

    Proud of you!! Let us know what magazines and on-line. Love to see you in print.

  2. Sara

    I love the wrap! Can’t wait until it is available!

  3. Batty

    Oooh, lovely shawl! As it so happens, I have some yellow yarn in my stash, and it turns out the stuff isn’t superwash. So I’ll be looking out for the pattern, it may want to become this.


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