Tampa Bound

by | Oct 28, 2010 | Uncategorized

My bags are packed, and I have used an obscene amount of ziplocs. Al Gore would not be proud of me.
In a few minutes, my teammates will pick me up and we will drive down to Tampa. I’m super excited and super nervous.  Say a prayer or cross your fingers that it won’t be as hot as the weatherman say. And cheer for me! If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook or Plurk I will try to post updates as I can.

If you still want to donate, you can do so here.  Thanks for all the support!


  1. Christel

    Thank you for all you have done!! We’re proud of you!!

  2. Brenda

    Ah! Just sent you a good luck pm on Ravelry, then saw this update post. Good luck! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for cool weather for you!

  3. Debbie G.

    Best of luck! Here’s to cool weather and no blisters! I’m sure it will be an amazing experience.


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