This is what I get for being cheap.

by | Apr 6, 2005 | Uncategorized

I found a free pattern for basic socks with a ribbed cuff worked in woolease. So I was happy. Figured it would be a good practice pair, cause my hubby wants some so badly. So I’m practicing right? But now after working 6 inches of the leg part and halfway through the heel flap I realize the directions I am using are seriously flawed. They are unclear and missing important steps. I found some help by referencing a pattern from But now I have to frog the stupid thing. Woolease splits awfully easily and I can’t seem to get the stitches back on the needle. Grrrrrr…..


  1. Jennifer

    I’ve found that I save a lot of time if I check a pattern to see if there is any errata. If the free pattern was a Lionbrand one, their website has a section where they post errors in their patterns. Most other pattern/designers also do this. It’s one of the reasons I love the internet!

  2. Stacy

    Responding to your entry below about knitting garments, I think you should go for it! A cute summer tank doesn’t take all that long, and like you said, you can always frog it next summer and make something to show off your new bod. If you can do a scarf, you can do a tank! And if you did it in the round, it wouldn’t be much different than the lovely bags you’ve made.

    Congrats on your weight loss! I did WW back in college and lost 20 lbs. I’ve kept most of that off almost 10 years later, not really following the program but using what they taught me to eat better. It’s a great program.


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